If you want information or support for pregnancy, loss, postpartum wellness, parenting, or natural disasters, please scroll down to find information and resources by subject. ​
What is a perinatal mood disorder? How to start the conversation.
Hey moms! Searching to find your footing after having a baby or multiples? Would you benefit from the support of other women who won't judge you? Here, we will encourage each other, vent our frustrations, fist-bump our successes and enjoy the company of moms who "get it" while discussing the impact of motherhood. This is a FREE (open to the public) drop-in peer support group for expecting moms and new moms with children under 1 year (pre-walkers) hosted by Napa Moms' Co-Directors of Outreach & Education, Jennifer Hampton, (psychotherapist at Moxie LCSW) and Crystal McAuley (2020 Mom Ambassador & Postpartum Support International Coordinator). Breast and bottle-feeding embraced. Fridays, 10:00am-11:45am at Las Flores Community Center Classroom, 4300 Linda Vista Ave, Napa, CA 94558. Preguntame sobre los grupos españoles.
Got older children whom you are caring for? No problem. You have a couple of options.
Napa Moms host a free, public Moms of Movers Meet-up for careres and kids 2 and under on Fridays from 10:30am-12:30pm at the CRC Toy Library. Contact MomSquad for details. .
Mamasté Mommy Meet-up will be taking place during Wiggle Room*, a public play date for age 0-6 located in the gym next to the Las Flores Classroom where Mamasté meets. Although you can't leave children in the gym unattended, those of you moms of multiples can congregate together in Wiggle Room as needed.
*Wiggle Room is a fun, unstructured program, hosted by Napa Parks and Rec on Mondays and Fridays between 10am-12:30pm, where you and your little one can come play, learn and get the wiggles out. The program is a parent/child format, where parents can actively play alongside their child. The gym at Las Flores Community Center is set up with a variety of equipment that will contribute to the physical, intellectual, and social development of your child. There is a drop-in fee. Multi-use passes can be purchased at Las Flores Community Center.
What is a loss mom (trigger alert)? How to survive emotionally.
I offer a FREE single session for women (and their partners) who have experienced the loss of a child due to traumatic or medical illness, miscarriage, stillbirth, newborn death or termination for fetal anomalies as well as those who are struggling with infertility and/or pregnant following a loss and need to process a range of emotions. Come find strength in a supportive space. Contact (707)690-0745 for details.
Writer, loss mom and friend, Jennifer Massoni Pardini, has compiled a comprehensive list of resources on grief, infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, heartbreaking decisions and parenting after loss.


Here are some resources that address the emotional development of your child from their perspective
10 Books to Help Kids Understand Their Feelings
Sesame Street in Communities
Health info for Kids, Teens, Parents and Educators
Local resources for kids and parents:
Community Resources for Children
Aldea Children and Family Services
Cope Family Center
Teens Connect
LGBTQ Connection
How to Slow Down and Reconnect